Meaning of Bihari

B - Brilliant
I - Intelligent
H - Hardworking
A - All-rounder
R - Reliable
I - Intellectual


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Bihar on the Fast Track

If you were to go to Bihar and ask the people about Bihar, almost all of them would say that Bihar is being victimized by the central government for not able to contribute towards the Indian economy and therefore Bihar has received a step brotherly treatment. Now if one where to ask someone not from the place they would reply that Bihar is the Wild West; a place you don't want to go.

Now if the same question is asked to very proud Indians, most of them would reply to you irrespective they belong to Bihar or not that it is the essence of India, the core of what India is, the place where Buddha the founder of Buddhism lived and preached, the holy place for Both Sikhs, Hindus and Jains alike.

All of these answers are correct. If we were to look why the Central Government has treated Bihar badly? The reality is that it hasn't, Bihar has received central development fund even though it has not contributed towards the global economy in the past 10 years as it should have been taking into consideration the natural resources it has. The simple fact is that Bihar is ridden with politics that is of the worst kind; the caste politics. The state once represented excellence in administration is now in ruins.

It is thought that the ruin started allegedly by the Congress chief minister of Bihar in the 1980's. The state has never looked back in terms of non development till recently.

It is said that current chief minister and government set agendas for the recovery of Bihar. It is said that roads are being built on a grand scale, villages are being electrified and criminals are being hunted down.

Patna, the capital of Bihar has seen development like never before. Companies and establishments that had left before are setting up again, jobs are being created, security has been beefed up, people have money to spend hence shops from all over India and abroad are eyeing for commercial space. If this continues, Bihar would be destined to regain its lost glory as commercial hub of India or at least the eastern India.

Om Singh has lived and worked in Bihar most of his life. He has seen ups and downs of the place.

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